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We are still here, but also hard at work on our other (main) site

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Dear Valued Customers,

You may have noticed that we have not written a news article or added any new products to our site for some time. The lack of activity is NOT due to neglect or lack of interest, but rather due to limited resources. For a number of weeks we have been busy bringing to life our new “main” website

In terms of time, is not all that new anymore, but to us, it is our new website as its purpose is to replace our original website

Canada's Source for Adventure Gear! Our primary business has always been providing adventure gear to Canadian adventures at a reasonable price with affordable shipping. Our original website has become quite aged and therefore we decided an update was needed. Work on began some time ago, but due to the limited resources of a small family business, completing the work has taken countless hours. Although is now fully functional, work at adding our entire offerings of adventure products continues.

Please note, that although our attention is now on building our primary focus is, and always will be, on customer service. We make it our number one priority to process and ship orders as quickly as we can.

Fenix Flashlight - Illuminate Your Adventure Current Work

We have recently completed our Fenix Flashlight section, and are now working on KA-BAR Knives. Fenix was a new brand for us when we started work on the new site. At the time we had added a few Fenix products to our old site, but until now didn’t get them added to We have always been anxious to add the Fenix product line, as they are very high quality LED flashlights that fit well with many of our various adventure groups, including hiking/camping, law enforcement/security, military and more. If you haven’t had the opportunity to check out a Fenix flashlight yet, I recommend that you do. I believe you will be as impressed as we were when we were first introduced to the Fenix brand.

Fenix Flashlight - Illuminate Your Adventure Although we have had a few KA-BAR Knives on it has been planned to add the entire catalog for some time. On our old website, KA-BAR was a brand we always loved and tried to keep up to date with the entire product offering. Like Fenix, KA-BAR Knives are a high quality product that are very well made. KA-BAR is popular with both outdoor adventurers and those serving in the military. KA-BAR is a legendary knife made popular by its use by the US Marine Corp since World War Two.

Canada's Source for Adventure GearWe have many other high quality brands on and many others coming, or being added to. If there is a product that you think we might carry, but can’t find it on our website please ask and we will make it a priority to add if we have it available or are able to get it.


Stapleton’s Great Adventure Company


Stapleton's Great Adventure Company

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